Frye FAQs

Q: I’ve got an iPhone. Can’t I shoot my own video?
A: Today’s smartphones can shoot some great content. Here’s the caveat. The tools are only as good as the hands that wield them. I’ve seen clients that have tried and failed to create their own videos because the skills behind the camera weren’t there. The time lost in trying to create something that looked better than a high school project would have been better spent collaborating with professionals (like…oh…I don’t know…might I suggest someone at the brilliant firm of Jackson Creative?).
Q: What do you mean you need HiRes versions of my logos? Can’t you just pull them from my website?
A: When using graphics in print or video it is always better to start with the highest quality file possible. Have you ever seen a fuzzy logo on a poster? How about a jagged logo in a YouTube video? Likely what happened is they took a graphic that looked good at one size and enlarged it to the size they needed and that was the result. Sizing graphics down is never a problem. The reverse often yields less than flattering imagery.
Q: Do I need narration in my production?
A: Narration can be the special ingredient in a video recipe. It can also seem redundant and overly didactic. The trick is to be able to judge whether it is needed or not. In a piece based primarily on interview subjects it might seem like it is just reiterating the points they are saying and might be best avoided. In a video composed mostly of graphics and music it might reinforce key points or generate emotion at just the right moment.
Q: I’m seeing drone videography everywhere these days. Do you use drones?
A: Jackson Creative does from time to time use drone footage. When planning for a production if there is a moment or feeling that otherwise might be hard to convey without using this type of imagery we’ll do it. What we want to avoid is jumping on a trend bandwagon and inserting drone work just because we can.
Q: How long should my finished product be?
A: Consider your intended audience when you are determining a video’s length. If it is primarily going to be used online shorter is usually better. A good length for a company overview on your website landing page would be 45 seconds to a minute. Likewise a video shared on Facebook or Twitter could be 30 to 45 seconds. If you are looking to use video as a training tool longer run times like 5 – 7 minutes are usually necessary. If there’s more information to convey than can fit in that time frame we often recommend a series of 5-7 minute videos instead of making one long, often snooze inducing, 30 minute video.